Can You Roll a Cigarette With a Coffee Filter

roll a cigarette

RYO (roll your own cigarette) is getting more popular worldwide. After thorough research, I find that it could be attributed to:

  • Cheaper. Buying cigarettes is much more expensive as the increased taxes on tobacco in recent years are crazy.
  • Customized. You can personally make the size and taste of your preference. Strong dry or mild moist is up to you.
  • Handicraft. "Roll your own cigarettes by hand" is also a kind of craftsmanship. The ritual is very attractive.

But rolling a joint yourself is never an easy task. You'll need time to practice.

Then, next, I will list the right steps and extra tips for how to roll cigarettes perfectly and easily.

How to Roll A Cigarette Yourself

#1 Prepare

First of all, please prepare the following required materials.

Rolling paper and tobacco. You can either buy it at a local tobacco store or buy it online.

Most commonly used for beginners: wheat-straw paper, thin rice paper, shredded cloves, and tobacco leaves

It takes time and barehanded skills to make a perfect cigarette. Hence, odds are that it may reduce the frequency of your smoking.

But if you are bothered with the low efficiency, perhaps try using a full automatic cigarette rolling machine to do it quick.

#2 Filter

cigarette filter

For whether you must add a filter when rolling a cigarette, the answer is "your choice." But I suggest you have it. Because, although not too much, it can still reduce some harmful substances. Sorry to tell you that RYO does not make smoking a healthier thing.

#3 Step for Hand Roll a Cigarette

This is a 3 minutes 24 seconds video teach you how to roll cigarettes

Step 1. Place your roll paper on a flat surface (with the adhesive side on it and away from you). If your desktop is not absolutely flat, try a book or iPad.

Step 2. Pick up the end of the roll with the middle finger and thumb, then place the index finger in the middle of the roll to form the crease and groove.

Step 3. Filll it with tobacco and place the filter at the end of the paper.

Step 4. Pinch together the paper and roll it up and down.

Step 5. Lick the area marked with the adhesive, or make it slightly wet with tissue, then roll it up to seal the paper edges.

Friendly tip: If your cigarettes could be put there for a few days before you light them, it is best not to use your tongue to wet them.

Step 6. Idle your cigarette for 60 seconds until it becomes dry.

Supposing it's the first time you roll a cigarette with a filter, it may take months to practice before you become an expert. A perfect cigarette will not be too thick or too thin, not too loose or too tight.

To unveil the mystery of the amount of tobacco, you're expected to keep adjust in constant attempts in rolling a cigarette without a roller.

Bonus Tips

To start with, use a larger square paper which is easy to roll up with.

paper and tibacco

Besides, it's important to choose paper with a low chemical additive content. Please give up the idea of using general A4 printing paper. The chemical substance not only will affect the taste of cigarettes but also does great harm to your lungs.

How to avoid gaps in front of the filter? If it is a hand-rolled cigarette, after sealing, set the smoke upright, (the end having a filter is the down) and then gently tap the cigarette. In the case that you are using a machine, just make sure you push the tobacco to the tip of the pipe and the machine.

The Bottom Line

"Roll a cigarette" is far more than just about money. In this article, I shed a light on how to make your own cig correctly and skillfully. Additionally, I also would like to point out that RYO does not actually allow you to quit or reduce the harm of cigarettes. So, for health, you still need to smoke as little as possible.

Lastly, if you have any questions or tips you would like to share with us, please leave us a comment.

Can You Roll a Cigarette With a Coffee Filter


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