How to Make a Origami Piano Bench

Walter Shillington writes about products he knows firsthand. His articles focus on healthcare, electronics, watches, and household items.

Kunova Padded Double Duet Piano Bench

Kunova Padded Double Duet Piano Bench

When I purchased my keyboard, I picked up a cheap piano bench to go along with it. The bench was well padded and equipped with a metal X-frame that allows me to adjust its height.

There were, however, a few disadvantages. The bench did not include a storage compartment, and its design does not suit my living room. And, although it was probably just my imagination, I was always worried that it was about to tip over. I decided to upgrade.

After checking out a few websites, I found two strong contenders. Both benches were inexpensive, wide enough to seat two, looked great and provided plenty of storage for my music books. A flipped coin determined my choice of the Kunova over the equally appealing Songmics.

Wood construction with tufted PU leather top

Wood construction with tufted PU leather top


This Kunova piano bench weighs in at just under 18 pounds. It is 29 inches wide, 14 inches deep, and 18.5 inches tall.

High gloss black paint thickly coats the bench's wooden legs and frame. A tufted PU leather top conceals 1.5 inches of padding.

The unit arrived almost completely assembled. The only requirement was to bolt its four legs into place.


  • Manufacturer: Kunova
  • Name: Padded Double Duet Piano Bench
  • Weight: 17.8 pounds
  • Height: 18.5 inches
  • Width: 29 inches
  • Depth: 14 inches
  • Weight capacity: 264.5 pounds
  • Covering material: Tufted PU leather
  • Padding: 1.5 inches
  • Main construction material: Wood
  • Storage: 11 x 27 x 2.25 inches (beneath the seat)
Bench arrived completely assembled except for its legs

Bench arrived completely assembled except for its legs

Visual Appeal

This bench matches the design of my stage piano well. Its brightly painted wooden frame nicely complements the flat black of the PU leather top.

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The weight limit for the Kunova bench is 264.5 pounds. This is plenty for me, but it would not be sufficient if I were planning to play duets with another adult.

Both the legs and frame of this bench are composed of solid wood. Although I did not check, the wooden section supporting the seating area is probably comprised of fibreboard. That should not present a problem.

The PU leather upper covering appears to be reasonably durable.

Over the six weeks, I have used this bench, the nuts fastening its legs have remained tight. The bench does not creak, sway, or shudder as I shift from one end to the other. All four of the rubber end caps, designed to prevent the bench's legs from scratching the floor, have remained in place.


While the padding is not quite as thick as that of my previous piano bench, my 45-minute practice sessions have never ended in discomfort.

Legs are bolted to the corners of the bench

Legs are bolted to the corners of the bench


For the first few weeks, I could hear a distinct pop whenever I sat or rose from the bench. At first, this was amusing. Then the noise became annoying. Happily, over time the popping sound has dramatically diminished in frequency. I expect this effect will soon disappear entirely.

Kunova supplied a wrench that can be used to attach the bench's legs. This is one of the most poorly designed tools that I have ever used. If you have a socket set at home, tighten the leg bolts with that.


I'm sure that every piano player will agree that the best method to test a bench's storage capacity is to see if it will accommodate The Best Fake Book Ever. This heavy and extremely thick paperback includes the music to over one thousand songs. The Kunova bench can store this book without difficulty.

Overall Impression

I like this piano bench. It is attractive, comfortable, handles my weight, and provides plenty of storage space. What more could you want? The Kunova Padded Double Duet Piano Bench is recommended.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 Walter Shillington

How to Make a Origami Piano Bench


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