Baby Firsts to Put in Scrapbook

There are so many firsts in the first year or two of your baby's life that I'm certain we can come up with a very long list. Your baby's first smile, trip to the park or zoo, holiday, steps, tooth, plane ride and first time to roll over are just a few. I'm sure you can come up with many, many more. And, although I think it's important to record your baby's firsts, it probably wouldn't be practical to create a baby scrapbook layout for each one. Today I'm going to share the top 10 firsts that would be most likely included in a newborn scrapbook along with baby scrapbook ideas for each.

#1: Baby's First Day


You probably took hundreds of photos on that very first day of your new baby's life, right? Let's take a look at one quick and easy way to get those photos into baby scrapbook album.


Let's face it, you're not going to have a whole lot of time to create a baby scrapbook album once your little one arrives. One great solution is a Hello Baby Girl Fast2Fab Album or Hello Baby Boy Fast2Fab Album. I was able to finish this scrapbook layout quickly and easily by using Hello Baby Girl Fast2Fab Predesigned pages. The layout also includes Hello Baby Girl Paper to mat photos, Pastel Pink Letter Stickers, Hello Baby Girl Slide-Ins and Hello Baby Girl Stickers to dress it up.

# 2: Baby's First Bath


Getting pictures of a squirmy, unhappy infant during his first bath is not an easy task – even with help from older siblings! Your pictures of your baby's first bath may not be perfect but you'll love seeing them in your baby's scrapbook 10 or 20 years from now!


This layout was created using Hello Baby Boy Papers, Hello Baby Boy Stickers, Hello Baby Boy Slide-In Pack, and Navy Letter Stickers. I also borrowed some yellow gingham from the Hello Baby Girl Papers for this layout. I love the way the Hello Baby Girl and Hello Baby Boy papers coordinate with each other, giving you more options for your layouts.

# 3: Baby's First Smile


It may not always be convenient to take a picture of all your baby's very first experiences but that shouldn't prevent you from creating a layout of some of those firsts. If you missed your precious baby girl's first smile, for instance, use your favorite pictures of her smiling to create a layout. Then note when you noticed her first smile in you're journaling. In the meantime, be sure to write it down! It helps to keep a small notebook handy to record that information until you are ready to include it in an album.


My "All Smiles" layout was a snap to finish. I used Hello Baby Girl Fast2Fab Predesigned pages, added a journal box from a Hello Baby Girl Slide-In pack, Mint Letter Stickers and a few stickers from the Hello Baby Girl Sticker Pack and it was done in no time!

# 4: Baby's First Foods


Trying to get a picture while feeding a hungry baby is not easy. Especially when you have twins like this little girl's mommy and you are trying to feed two hungry babies at the same time! And if you're using your cell phone to get those pictures, the chances are they will be a bit on the blurry side. Blurry or not, your baby is still adorable and you'll be glad you saved your pictures in a scrapbook album years from now!


This layout hardly took me any time at all to create using Hello Baby Girl Fast2Fab Predesigned pages, Hello Baby Girl papers, Hello Baby Girl Stickers and Hello Baby Girl Slide-Ins. I created a short border and a three button embellishment using the new Button Chain Border Maker Cartridge.

# 5: Baby's First Tooth (or Teeth)


Whether your baby cuts just one first tooth or two at a time, you'll want to get pictures. Since those little teeth take a while to show up, you'll have some time to get pictures of your baby's toothy smile. Then be sure to create a scrapbook album page with those pictures!


This layout took just a few minutes to create using an easy, peasy Hello Baby Girl Fast2Fab Predesigned page. Woohoo for Fast2Fab pages! I added a Hello Baby Girl sticker, Mint Sticker Letters and some journaling and was done in no time.

# 6: Baby's First Crawl


Whether it's his first attempts to crawl or an advanced crawl, it's likely that you will want to take pictures and to create a layout for his baby scrapbook. Be sure to have a camera with a fully charged battery close by!


I again borrowed the yellow gingham as well as the red print paper from the Hello Baby Girl paper pack for this layout. I also used Hello Baby Boy paper, Hello Baby Boy stickers and Hello Baby Boy Slide-Ins. You'll notice that I left one photo out of my final layout – there's really no need for duplicate photos and the space was better used for journaling.

# 7: Baby's First Words


Baby's first words are a little difficult to get on film but a fun to scrapbook. Like the cute little boy shown here, a lot of baby's spend some time babbling before forming actual words that can be understood. Try taking pictures of your cute little darling carrying on a "conversation" with someone. Or simply use some favorite pictures taken at that stage to create a scrapbook layout.  Then make sure you list his first words on the page.


In addition to the Button Chain Border Maker Cartridge and the Word Bubble Punch, I used Hello Baby Boy papers as well as Mint Letter Stickers and Navy Letter Stickers to create this page.

# 8: Baby's First Steps


Baby's First Steps seems to be one important milestone that needs to be documented in a baby scrapbook album. I don't know about you but for me this milestone is met with mixed feelings. I love this stage in a baby's life – they are so stinking cute when they start walking! But those first steps are also the beginnings of a new stage in their lives where they are quickly changing from a baby to a toddler. The time just goes by so quickly! Before you know it, that cute little toddler will be in kindergarten. Do make certain you get those fleeting moments photographed and scrapbooked. Keep in mind that sometimes it's more important to get the picture than it is to capture a perfectly photographed image.


For this layout I used the red from Hello Baby Girl papers along with the woodgrain paper from Hello Baby Boy paper pack, Hello Baby Boy Stickers, Hello Baby Boy Slide-Ins, Mint Letter Stickers and Navy Letter Stickers.

# 9: Baby's First Birthday


I'm certain you will have plenty of pictures of your little one's first birthday to create a scrapbook layout with – maybe more than enough to create several pages. Let's look at one way to create a First Birthday layout using Hello Baby Girl (or Boy) Fast2Fab Predesigned pages.


This birthday layout was super simple and quick to create using Hello Baby Girl Fast2Fab Predesigned pages, Hello Baby Girl papers and Hello Baby Girl Stickers.

# 10: Baby's First Haircut


If you take your little guy to the barber shop, be sure to get a First Haircut Certificate for your scrapbook album. And don't forget to take your camera!


A border cut from the pre-printed borders paper found in the Hello Baby Boy paper pack made this layout super simple and easy to create. Add a sticker from the Hello Baby Boy sticker pack and a journal box from the Hello Baby Boy Slide-In pack and that's it. All you have to do is journal your story and your done.

I do hope you've been inspired to create your own scrapbook layouts to showcase your baby's firsts.

Baby Firsts to Put in Scrapbook


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